Why the Pineapple Has Been Named the Healing Fruit
Experts in ship crew management have certain obligations. For example, each of them must be sure that the members of a cargo vessel stand ready to deal with any situation. That would include those times when one or more of the crew members seeks help with a medical problem. Now, such experts normally count on those with expertise in victualling services to pay close attention to the food on board ships. Consequently, those in charge of on board catering management need to learn about the nutritive value of what can be found in a vessel’s pantry. Hence, each expert in victualling management ought to become familiar with the health benefits delivered by the healing fruit. The pineapple’s possession of two beneficial minerals underscores the reason that it has been given that alternative name.
Typically, the authorities in a marine catering company understand that eating calcium-rich foods aids the development of strong bones. What those same authorities might not realize is that the mineral known as manganese also plays a role in the creation of bone and connective tissue. Nature provides on board cooks with a wonderful source of manganese, in the form of a pineapple. The employees at the various marine catering companies that are in charge of stocking the pantries on the catered cargo vessels should pay attention to the pineapple’s possession of manganese. By the same token, the cook on a cargo vessel must understand that each crew member needs to be provided with the daily minimum requirement for that particular mineral. If the same cook ensures each crew member’s daily access to a serving of pineapple, then that same serving will furnish each man that eats it with 73% of his daily manganese requirement.
The stem and pulp of the healing fruit holds a second mineral as well. It is called bromelain. Bromelain demonstrates important anti-inflammatory properties. As a digestive enzyme, bromelain acts on the protein in digested food. It breaks down the same protein, thus allowing those breakdown products to do an excellent job of fighting any type of inflammation. Swelling, muscle pain and general soreness belong on any list of medical problems that could well be faced by an employee on a cargo ship. Of course, ship management experts can never do away with the extent to which the duties of each crew member can facilitate the development of such problems. Yet maritime catering companies will be free to worry less about those same problems, if the experts in charge have arranged for all the catered vessels to receive lots of pineapples. Moreover, a crew member’s access to the healing fruit can prove beneficial to that hard-working man in several other ways.
Marine catering companies should note the frequency with which seafaring duties have caused a crew member to suffer a torn ligament. When that happens, then the pineapple’s nutrients can speed recovery from that same injury. At the same time, those particular nutrients can bring an end to irritating skin conditions. Finally, pineapple’s possession of bromelain allows the eating of its pulp to act as a means for keeping cancer cells from growing. In summary, all of those facts highlight the strong connection between health hygiene and healthy eating on ships.