Add These Facts to Your Knowledge of Food Additives
Within a marine catering company, those that oversee matters relating to victualling management expect the chefs of the managed vessels to have gained an understanding of the typical dietary requisites. One of those requisites calls for limitations on the amount of food additives in prepared meals. Yet, it should be noted that not all food additives are harmful. Certainly, an expert in ship catering services should realize that any food containing a synthetic substance could pose a threat to the health of the person that has eaten it. Food dyes, stabilizers, tenderizers, and preservatives would all belong on a list of such potentially harmful substances. On the other hand, some of the flavor enhances actually deliver true health benefits to whoever has been served a naturally-enhanced and tasty dish. In other words, marine catering companies can make it easier for cooks on rigs to create safe and healthful fare for the crew members. Any maritime catering company can make sure that each catered cargo vessel contains a wealth of beneficial flavor enhancers. Unlike the other food additives, those elements of nature add a promise of good health to their pleasing impact on the taste buds of crew members, even those that have never paid much attention to the food on board ships.
Examples of healthful, flavor-enhancing food additives
Experts in victualling on ships should encourage cooks to add a few shakes of red pepper to the appropriate dishes. Also known as cayenne, ground pepper has demonstrated the ability to fight cancer. Yet that is not the only reason that chefs ought to feel motivated to use that particular flavor enhancer. Cayenne contains capsaicin, which can make a person feel more relaxed. Capsaicin causes the brain to produce endorphins. At the same time, a morsel filled with cayenne can act as a decongestant. Another item that chefs ought to have in their pantries has been used for centuries to enhance the flavor of various foods. Consequently, a cook should find it easy to add a bit of garlic to the appropriate dish. Garlic acts as a lipid lowering agent. It inhibits cholesterol synthesis. In addition, it improves the circulation, leading to a decrease in blood pressure. Any flavoring that contains curcumin functions as a cancer fighting agent. Two different spices, cumin seeds and turmeric contain curcumin. Hence, marine catering companies should arrange for shipment of one or both spices to the kitchens of catered cargo vessels.
Healthful spices that belong in a ship’s pantry
Those with expertise in victualling on ships should work with authorities in maritime catering management, in order to arrange for delivery of a generous supply of healthful spices to designated cargo vessels. That would include items such as cardamom, which lowers cholesterol and protects against cancer. The limonene in cardamom gives that particular spice the ability to function as a means for fighting cancer. Meanwhile, if those in charge of on board catering management would like to keep crew members free of inflammations, then those same authorities should see that the pantries of managed vessels get stocked with certain spices, namely, the sorts of spices that exhibit inflammation-lowering properties. In other words, the shelves of those same pantries ought to contain flavor enhancers such as oregano, cinnamon, rosemary and ginger.