STEAMING FOODThe Techniques Associated with Healthful Cooking
An authority at any of the marine catering companies recognizes the wisdom behind providing seafarers on the catered vessels with healthful and satisfying fare. Indeed, that represents the goal towards which professionals in the marine catering industry should be striving. Consequently, any chef working on a catered ship ought to demonstrate a familiarity with the techniques that have become associated with healthful cooking.
A technique that cooks have used for hundreds of years
One of those techniques has been used for centuries. People feasted on grilled meat long before emergence of the first maritime catering company. Still, that age-old technique should not be overlooked by any experts in ship management, if those same experts hope to have well-fed and healthy crew members. Grilling involves application of dried heat. The nature of the heating process causes the cooked surface to reach a temperature of no less than 310 degrees F. At such temperatures, a chemical process known as the Malliard reaction can occur. The presence in the meat of both amino acids and sugars provides the chemicals necessary for such a reaction. While it ensures creation of a pleasing flavor, the Malliard reaction also encourages production of carcinogenic compounds. A chef can slow creation of those same carcinogens by marinating the meat before it gets grilled.
A technique that seems meant for use on a ship
Marine catering companies may care to take advantage of the fact that each chef on a catered ship enjoys ready access to seafood. For that reason, all such chefs ought to become skilled at poaching. Poaching calls for utilization of moist-heat. Because it qualifies as a delicate food, fish represents the type of edible that cooks might choose to poach. A poached fish stays whole and flavorful because it has been submerged in a heated liquid. That liquid could be water, milk, stock or wine. In other words, no fat or oil has contributed to the fish’s flavor.
A technique with many benefits
Those marine catering companies that keep a close eye on their bottom line should hope that the chefs on the catered ships can use braising to prepare a low cost meal. Braising calls for utilization of both dry and moist heat. Although it involves using two types of heat, it does not require the availability of multiple pots. The meat first gets seared at high temperature. If the pot used for the searing has a cover, then the seared meat can stay covered in the same piece of cookware, where it feels a low heat, while remaining in a variable amount of liquid. Even a tough meat becomes tender, after it has been braised.
POACHING FOODA method that works best with vegetables
When a cook plans to make vegetables in a separate piece of cookware, that same cooking expert should consider steaming them. Steaming provides a chef with a sure way of creating a healthful dish. Because steamed vegetables undergo no direct contact with water, their nutrients do not get lost to that same liquid. In other words, steaming preserves the vegetables’ vitamins and minerals. At the same time, steaming delivers a few other benefits. It aids preparation of a dish that should appeal to a hungry seafarer. A steamed vegetable retains its wetness and freshness. In addition, it keeps its distinct color and flavor. Marine catering companies should hope that the chefs on their catered ships can demonstrate a familiarity with each of these techniques. Members of vicutalling management should work closely with ship management to ensure each chef’s possession of the required equipment. Naturally, those in charge of on board management should also guarantee delivery of the needed meat and vegetables, along with any necessary fruits or sauces.