Providing On-Board Chefs with a New Meaning for Dash
Frequently catering services for the marine industry help on-board chefs to add an extra dash of something special to one or more of their dishes. The letters d-a-s-h can also represent a type of diet, one that encourages “dietary approaches to stop hypertension” (DASH). The cook in a vessel’s kitchen can work with experts in victualling management, in order to keep any crew members from developing an alarmingly high blood pressure. The readers of this blog post must have read other posts in which the serving size for a particular food received mention. Professionals in maritime catering services should pay close attention to any reference to a serving size. Attention to serving sizes belongs on any list of the habits demonstrated by those that hope to encourage maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.
What that new meaning says about stocking the kitchen
The on-board chef that intends to plan meals similar to those found on a DASH diet should stock the vessel’s kitchen with lots of whole grains, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, low fat dairy products, lean meat and poultry, nuts, seeds and legumes. The only reason that fish does not appear on that list relates to the ease with which fish can be caught, while traveling on a ship at sea. It does not have to be stored in the kitchen; it can be obtained with ease. Supplies of certain edible items ought to be limited, so that crew members do not overindulge on food that a nutritionist would consider unhealthful. For example, it makes sense to limit the number of sweets. Those sweets to which the crew members might have access should be low in fat. Moreover, the crew members should not get to enjoy such a sweet treat more than five times per week. If on-board cooks, with the help of experts from a marine catering company manage to stock a kitchen with such food items, then the crew will benefit in more than one way. In addition to feeling free of worries about high blood pressure, those on the catered vessel’s team can also feel safe from heart disease. The DASH diet lowers the amount of low-density lipoprotein in the circulatory system.
What that new meaning says about food preparation
The seasonings added to the different dishes can enhance the healthful nature of the foods placed on the table. Smart cooks use spices that do not contain any salt. At the same time, professional chefs count on herbs, in order to make their dishes even more flavorful. The on-board chef that cares about the health of the ship’s crew avoids cooking techniques such as frying. Instead, that professional cook uses methods such as steaming, grilling or broiling. The same cook does not expect a steady shipment of fats and oils. Rather, the cook’s approach to meal preparation calls for substitution of fats and oils with broth or water, when it comes time to sauté a given item. Naturally, the chef’s efforts prove most effective, when they enjoy the support of experts in victualling management. Obviously, professionals in marine catering services must ensure the cook’s ready access to healthful foods. By working together, both the on-board chefs and the experts at a marine catering company can keep the blood pressure of each crew member at a satisfactory level.